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Free breakfast and lunch for all students throughout the 2024-2025 school year!
The Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) is a federal program that helps schools and districts meet eligibilities to serve no-cost lunches and breakfasts to all their students. This program aims to ensure that every child has access to nutritious meals without the need of an approved free or reduced meal application. It's designed to reduce the stigma associated with receiving free meals and to increase participation in school nutrition programs.
All students in Northern Local Schools are automatically eligible to receive free meals every school day for the 2024-2025 school year through the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP).
The free lunch and breakfast will include a variety of nutritious meal options that meet the USDA nutrition standards. This includes a main entree, vegetables, grains, fruits, and milk. To learn more about what makes a meal, please visit the USDA website.
Not all items in the cafeteria will be free. Only breakfast and lunch meals provided through the CEP program will be free.
Your child can still bring their own lunch from home if they prefer. The CEP program is available for all students, but participation is not mandatory.
Students who previously qualified for reduced-price meals will now receive their meals for free, along with all other students. This program eliminates the need for reduced-price meals by providing free meals to all students.
There are no additional costs or fees associated with this program. The breakfast and lunch meals provided under the CEP program are completely free for all students.
For more information please visit