Science Links
Compare the size of the Planets, Sun and Moon
Use this chart to compare the size of the Planets to the Sun, Moon and each other. |
FT Exploring
Take a look at some information about energy and other cool Science topics. |
GeoScience Animations
Watch the Earth revolve around the Sun. |
Lunar Phase Simulator
A cool animation of the phases of the Moon |
NASA Kids Club
A NASA website with games and information for students. |
NASA for Students
Get the latest updates on NASA missions |
The official website of NASA. |
Northern Star Planetarium Solar System Distance Scale
Use this chart to find out the distance between the Planets. |
Rags to Riches
Play this game to review for the 5th grade Science Ohio Achievement Test. Will you be a millionaire? |
Solar System Viewer
See an animation of the Planets orbiting around the Sun. |
The Earth's Rotation
Check out this animation of the Earth's rotation. |
U.S. Geological Survey Webpage
Check out some cool Science information and see where earthquakes have occured in the past 7 days! |
Physical Processes
Owl Pellets